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Chapter News

  • 2024 Region 8 Conference

    Hello all, 

    I just wanted to send a quick reminder about the Region 8 Conference which will occur September 19-21 in Jackson, MS. I plan to attend and would love to see you there!! 

    The registration link is: 2024 Sigma Region 8 Conference - Registration (google.com)
    Happy Thursday,
    Magan Evans
  • 2024 Region 8 Conference - Silent Auction

    The Theta Beta Chapter and Region 8 Conference Planning Committee is excited to announce a Silent Auction at the 2024 Region 8 Conference in September. We hope you're making plans to attend this great event. To support our auction, we're asking all Region 8 Chapters and universities to donate items. These can vary widely, and all contributions are appreciated. Examples include spa baskets, coffee baskets, gift cards, art, pottery, and state-themed baskets.

    To ensure a successful auction, I'll compile a list of donations. Please email me at kageorge@muw.edu or text 662-790-3000 with your chapter's contributions. Thanks in advance for your generosity!


    The Theta Beta Chapter (University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Nursing) is proud to host the 2024 Sigma Region 8 Conference! Some of our Zeta Rho members are serving on the Region 8 Conference Planning Committee and want to ensure that all Zeta Rho Members have this conference information. Please mark your calendars for September 19-21, 2024! The conference will take place in Jackson, Mississippi. More information about the venue, hotel accommodations, abstract submissions, keynote speaker, and more will be coming soon. A Save the Date flyer is attached for you to share with others.

    We look forward to seeing you this fall!!

    The Region 8 Conference Planning Committee

Chapter Events

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